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Community Spotlight: Meet recording artist Dream!

Today, we're happy to share with you our conversation with Long Beach based recording artist Dream!
We wanted to get to know a little bit more about who he is, how he got into the music industry, and where he's going on his creative journey. Here's how it went:

Thanks for taking the time to chat with us Dream! We're excited to have you as our next feature and learn more about you as a musician. Let's start this off with you sharing exactly what it was that initially drew you to your craft, and how has your journey unfolded since then?
Dream: A Nas or Andre 3000 music video was playing (1999), I was around 4 or 5 years old at the time watching it with my dad. After it ended, I promised and swore to him I’d make it as a rapper/artist buy him and my mom a home outside of West Virginia. He was murdered shortly afterwords. Since then, my life purpose has and will forever be to fulfill that promise

Can you share some insights into your creative process? Where do you find inspiration, and how do you translate that into your work?
DreamI let my emotions drive me. Whatever I’m feeling at the time of creation comes out of me like a drunken sprit.

What projects are you currently working on, and what excites you the most about them?
Dream: My album "House Arrest" dropping soon! It's about my experience getting locked up and being on house arrest shortly after that another. As well as another album called "California" which is simply about misinformation and artists outside of California thinking that coming here is how you break into the industry. Just exposing the fact that it's not always true by any means and how the best artists in the world could live in California and still fall through the cracks remaining undiscovered, unrecognized, undervalued, and underappreciated.

Looking back on your career so far, what would you consider to be your proudest achievement or most memorable moment?
DreamBeing alive.

How do you navigate challenges and setbacks in your field, and what advice would you give to aspiring creatives facing similar obstacles?
DreamLife is full of them get used to it. It’s all setbacks and challenges. It’s the ones that continue on and never quit, even when facing the most fucked up shit, that make it. Can’t be delusional and suck.

In an industry constantly evolving, how do you stay innovative and relevant while maintaining your unique voice/style?
DreamPractice makes perfect. Never putting down my pen or stopping my brain from thinking of the next best option or idea. Studio sessions and voice memos. Not going to work but being the work.

Can you talk about any collaborations or partnerships that have been particularly meaningful or impactful for you?
DreamStreet beefs, a huge YouTube fight platform and DiBella Ent., a huge boxing promotion. I’d like to thank these guys and every creative I’ve worked with and am currently working with. Milk Room too of course! I thank all of these guys. Always made me feel welcomed. I’d like to thank y’all from the bottom of my heart.
Lastly, what message or piece of wisdom would you like to share with your fans, or anyone inspired by your journey?
Dream: Call your mom and dad and siblings and tell them you love them. Do it right now.

Dream, thank you again for giving us the chance to get to more about you. Now, the floor is yours, share with us the links people can use to find more of your work, as well as any special announcements or projects you have coming up in the near future!
Music Instagram: @x.x.dreamz
Fight Instagram: @black.goku
Broken Glass Music (


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