Community Spotlight: A conversation with Ella Parlor. Entrepreneur, Writer, and Philanthropist.
Today, we're happy to share with you our conversation with podcaster, writer, panelist speaker, and philanthropist Ella Parlor.
We wanted to get to know a little bit more about who she is, how she got into her field, and where she's going on her business journey. Here's how it went:
Thanks for taking the time to chat with us Ella! We're excited to have you as our next feature and learn more about you as a creative. Let's start this off with you sharing exactly what it was that initially drew you to your craft, and how has your journey unfolded since then?
Ella: From a young age, I was deeply fascinated by the intersection of creativity and commerce. I used to critique and 'rewrite' TV commercials and explain to my family why mine were better. This passion for advertising propelled me into the world of marketing and strategic planning. My journey in enhancing major brands' presence in competitive markets, paired with my personal passion for addressing social issues through my professional platform, has evolved into a fulfilling career, spearheading innovative campaigns in the sports and entertainment space.

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