Today, we're happy to share with you our conversation screen writer, actress, model, and producer Roxana Anghel from Los Angeles, California.
We wanted to get to know a little bit more about who she is, how she got into her field, and where she's going on her creative journey. Here's how it went:
Thanks for taking the time to chat with us Roxana! We're excited to have you as our next feature and learn more about you as a creative. Let's start this off with you sharing exactly what it was that initially drew you to your craft, and how has your journey unfolded since then?
Roxana: I was drawn to dancing and writing at an early age. I was raised by a single mom throughout my school days, so while she was at work, she needed to leave me somewhere. Since I was dancing prior to walking, she thought what would be a good option was to register me for ballet classes at the age of 4. The fact that my mom was forced by her life situation (my parents divorced when I was 1 year old) to drop me in the care of our neighbors and friends was actually good for me because I turned out to be a very sociable person. Quickly maturing, learning from various people. Later on, at my high school, love awakened in me the inspiration, so I started writing poems and essays, and one day I showed them to my literature teacher who was so impressed, she took my essays and sent them to a county contest, and to my surprise, I won first and second place. Yet, I was very nostalgic and careless about this aspect. A true romantic!
Can you share some insights into your creative process? Where do you find inspiration, and how do you translate that into your work?
Roxana: I find inspiration in heaven! I cannot describe it, it is like when I am in a certain mood, or when I want to transmit a message, but in a poetic way, I place myself in some sort of channeling type of being, like I open my mind to the universe, I expand myself, and in this way I see the reality from different or multiple angles in the same type. That's what I love most in being creative. I feel like a small God. And this applies to all my creative endeavors; dancing, acting, writing, photo-modelling, hosting, organizing, talking in conferences, and leading.
What projects are you currently working on, and what excites you the most about them?
Roxana: I'm working on the last 2 years of a TV show of comedic nature, a sitcom, but more modern, and inclusive, so I kind of worked on developing my production company. Plus, I just ended a poetry book in English, that is awaiting printing. I am aware that poetry is not so read lately, and might be seen as old fashion, but I do it mostly for myself. I love poetry, and as I said before when I write I feel inspired and my heart is open, so later on when I re-read what I wrote, I am so happy! I never memorize my poems, for this reason. I love reading them like someone else wrote them, and be always mesmerized, like: "Oh, my God! Did I write this? It's so beautiful! I'm quite smart!"
Looking back on your career so far, what would you consider to be your proudest achievement or most memorable moment?
Roxana: My proudest achievements so far are last year, my books were published and distributed by Barnes & Nobles, which allowed me to mee one of my favorite actors Matthew McConaughey. Secondly, this year I have been appointed to be the host of the Beverly Hills Festival, and it was a true honor to have a seat at the table with the founder of this international festival. Lastly, acting wise, this year I was acting on the set of "Bold and Beautiful", talking and having fun so close with the most beautiful actresses and actors of the world, people that I watched and admired since youth.
How do you navigate challenges and setbacks in your field, and what advice would you give to aspiring creatives facing similar obstacles?
Roxana: Challenges especially if you live in LA never stop! The most hardest thing to digest is the competition, and the fact that one tends to compare him/herself with the others. As an actor, you don't have a steady job, so nor an income, you always have to search for it, like you always have to make a super effort to find and book roles, that is energy consuming, while trying to earn a living from different sources. That's the reason why so many talented actors give up, or end up being depressed here in LA, from depression they end up doing drugs or alcoholism, and the sad part is that their inborn talent is destroyed. So, I try to stay away of depressed people, while doing my best to keep up with optimism, in prayer, and looking only forward, and not back. In my case, most of the times, is that I'm facing a lot of envy - that makes me lose friends. I love being surrounded by friends, as I said I am pretty sociable, so I always have crowds of people around. Yet, I lately suffer from having no real friends. I just can't stand fake friendship anymore.
In an industry constantly evolving, how do you stay innovative and relevant while maintaining your unique voice/style?
Roxana: Might be a surprise for most, but I am on stage for more than 22 years now and even after so many years, I still go to acting classes, whenever I have time, and I recommend this! There are a lot of great famous acting teachers, who are offering few free classes here and then, and it's good to be open minded and never stop learning. I am always so well impressed how after every class I've learned something new. Many actors are also teachers, in order to make a flexible living, so that's great if you can learn from them, especially, learning directly from Hollywood people, it's like a gift only living in this city!
Can you talk about any collaborations or partnerships that have been particularly meaningful or impactful for you?
Roxana: My partnership with Affinity Nightlife brought me in the last 6 months a lot of brand awareness and visibility. I am so happy to host the after parties and the red carpets of all the yearly awards shows. I'm truly grateful to Adam Glove, who proposed this partnership few months ago. It was a surprise for me, and even if my schedule was madly full, I still would have said YES and not regret it.
What do you hope audiences or consumers take away from your work, and what impact do you aspire to make in your industry?
Roxana: I would like my audience to receive my love, my compassion, my unconditional love, because I do not know why, but I was born with a lot of love for mankind in general, I see that we are all kid-like inhabitants of this planet, and we are all so awesome and unique. Literally, I learn something new from each person I speak with, and that's amazing! We are so different and yet so similar, and if we approach each other with a kind heart and openness, the doors of heavens open up, and we are growing in wisdom, and we develop as mankind.
Lastly, what message or piece of wisdom would you like to share with your fans, or anyone inspired by your journey?
Roxana: Be united, but not naive! Jesus said "be wise like the snakes of the Earth!", in this way I am telling you, if you want to pursue a career in this field of entertainment, you have to be very attentive, really use your brain actively, and not follow the crowd, but go to the top of the mountain and ask yourself "will this truly make me happy?." If you find happiness in acting, writing or dancing, or any type of creative art, then DO IT! Don't let anything stop you. Don't allow anyone to tell you that you're wasting your time, or you're not good enough, because HAPPINESS is everyone's ultimate goal, isn't it? We artists are lucky to achieve happiness through our craft! While others have heard of happiness, but they do not know how to obtain it, so they are like blind people searching here or there in the dark, maybe this will make them happy, or thit, or that...and in the end, nothing makes them happy, we, humble co-creators, we value emotions like gold, we know the worth of the word "happiness"! That's a $1 million word!
Roxana, we thank you again for giving us the chance to get to know more about you. Now, the floor is yours, share with us the links people can use to find more of your work, as well as any special announcements or projects you have coming up in the near future!
Website: - Author Who Acts and Does Meditation, Books Meditation Tips Voice Over Services and Acting, Author Who Acts and Does Meditation, Best Personal Websites
IMDb: Roxana Anghel - Photos - IMDb
Instagram: Roxana Anghel (@roxanaanghel.official) • Instagram photos and videos
Amazon Shop: ROXANA ANGHEL: books, biography, latest update
Wikitia: Elena Roxana Anghel - Wikitia
YouTube: Roxana Anghel TV - YouTube

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