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Community Spotlight: Meet Recording Artist Trinidad La Bruja.

Today, we're happy to share with you our conversation with Los Angeles based recording artist Trinidad La Bruja.
We wanted to get to know a little bit more about who she is, how she got into her field, and where she's going on her creative journey. Here's how it went:

Thanks for taking the time to chat with us Trinidad! We're excited to have you as our next feature and learn more about you as a creative. Let's start this off with you sharing exactly what it was that initially drew you to your craft, and how has your journey unfolded since then?
TrinidadMy family. Almost everyone in my family is creative in some way, shape or form. Most of us can sing, dance, play an instrument, write beautiful melodies, with the words to match. I got into acting however, by falling in love with entertaining my people. My siblings, cousins, friends, anyone who was sad or feeling down, etc. I loved how I could put on a show, whether it was singing and dancing, reenacting some of the best scenes from our favorite movies, or just being goofy until everyone around me left feeling better than when they came.

Can you share some insights into your creative process? Where do you find inspiration, and how do you translate that into your work?
Trinidad: Everyday life is inspiring in itself. Nature, work, driving, friends, traveling, family, the list goes on. I think just being in the moment gives me all the material I need to create something relatable and helpful for others who might have or still are going through the same thing or something similar to what I have been through.

Looking back on your career so far, what would you consider your proudest achievement or most memorable moment?
Trinidad: My proudest achievement would be getting my distribution deal. I worked so hard all my life for people to love everything I do in private, but never give me the credit. So, getting the recognition that someone believes in me and my vision enough to back it, was a proud and memorable moment for me.

How do you navigate challenges and setbacks in your field, and what advice would you give to aspiring creatives facing similar obstacles?
Trinidad: The best part of being a creative is expecting the unexpected. Just because things didn’t turn out the way you wanted them to, exactly when you wanted them to, doesn’t mean they didn't turn out exactly how they were supposed to. We create our own realities based on how we choose to respond or react to things. There are no setbacks, just a different route. If it were easy, it wouldn’t be worth it, so the challenges show you what you really love to do, because if you didn’t love to do it, you wouldn’t. It wouldn’t even be worth your time or energy. Plus, if it were easy, everyone would be doing it!

In an industry constantly evolving, how do you stay innovative and relevant while maintaining your unique voice/style?

Trinidad: Honestly, just staying true to myself. Fashion, style, music, movies, everything is all recycled. At some point in time, what was once cool in the 80’s is again cool in 2020. Tv shows and movie ideas are being remade every day. Songs, beats and vocals from all periods are being sampled and reused in some of today’s greatest hits! Staying true to yourself and what’s influenced you in your life: whether that’s your culture, where you grew up, or what music you were raised with, etc.

Can you talk about any collaborations or partnerships that have been particularly meaningful or impactful for you?

Trinidad: The most meaningful collaboration to date would have to be with my stylist, Jiovani Cervantes. He is such an amazing, unique, supportive and inspirational individual, to say the least. The best part about it, is that he’s also my younger brother.

What do you hope audiences or consumers take away from your work, and what impact do you aspire to make in your industry?
Trinidad: I hope I impact people to be kind and genuine. To help others just because you can. To know peace is to bring peace. To know we can do anything we put our minds to, so make sure you focus on the positive and everything you want in life.

Lastly, what message or piece of wisdom would you like to share with your fans, or anyone inspired by your journey?

Trinidad: Have faith and be a good person, it’ll get you through more than you know.

Trinidad, thank you again for giving us the chance to get to more about you. Now, the floor is yours, share with us the links people can use to find more of your work, as well as any special announcements or projects you have coming up in the near future!

"Runnin' Up Racks" by Trinidad La Bruja available on all streaming platforms! 


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